MFC project:what I have learnt

It’s part of our assignment to finish a MFC program as the final project for Software-tech-basis. This really really old and outdated app is hard to use for nowadays, but it may offer some insights into the C language.

basic notions

PDC (设备环境对象)
GDI的派生类有:CBitmap, CBrush, CFont….

上述4中的例子, f是CFont这个类创建的一个动态对象,在MFC中,无需显式的delete这些动态对象。

C++中,类的定义放在.h文件中,而.cpp文件存放类外定义的成员函数 下面6中的方法可以更改某个控件的属性


CString str;
	{CString substr[10];
	int count=0;
	int index = str.Find(_T(","));
	CString stmp;
	while (index != -1 && count<9)
	substr[count++] = str.Left(index);
	index = str.Find(_T(","));


our enhancements of the program

  1. when nothing is ordered, the order will not be rocorded.
  2. add an option of getting today’s bill only in the manager mode.
    if (substr[0] != today && m_today == TRUE)

    and for the check button:

    m_today = !m_today;
  3. in the manager mode, redirect the ENTER button to call the function OnButton1
    BOOL CManagerDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
     // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
     if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
         if (pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN)
         return true;}
     return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
  4. to change the fonts of differnt text (rather than change all of them), use the SetFont in WMInitDialog
    CFont * f;
     f = new CFont;
      f->CreateFont(36, // nHeight   
        0, // nWidth   
        0, // nEscapement   
        0, // nOrientation   
        FW_BOLD, // nWeight   
        TRUE, // bItalic   
        FALSE, // bUnderline   
        0, // cStrikeOut   
        ANSI_CHARSET, // nCharSet   
        OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision   
        CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision   
        DEFAULT_QUALITY, // nQuality   
        DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily   
        _T("Arial")); // lpszFac   
  5. to set the focus on the password edit bar (so that the user can start entering password without having to select it), add the following:

    and we have to change the return value of OnInitDialog() to FALSE, as MSDN explains

    If OnInitDialog returns nonzero, Windows sets the input focus to the first control in the dialog box.

    The application can return 0 only if it has explicitly set the input focus to one of the controls in the dialog box.

  6. change the color of text: 1.add declaration of m_brush CBrush m_brush in Dlg.h 2.
     {   pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0));//设置编辑框字体的颜色
         CFont font;
         return m_brush;}

    we do so because MFC hints that
    Return a different brush if the default is not desired

  7. everytime when opening each sub_dialog, the OnInitDialog function would show the current order status of each dish. To do this, just edit the m_password (a string which is the variable for the IDC_EDIT1), and then UpdateData(FALSE)
  8. for the background picture, add the following code into onpaint():
     CPaintDC   dc(this);     
     CRect   rect;
     GetClientRect(&rect);//get the length and the width of the 	window.                                        
     CDC   dcBmp;                                           
     CBitmap   bmpBackground;     
     BITMAP m_bitmap;                                                     
     CBitmap   *pbmpOld=dcBmp.SelectObject(&bmpBackground);