Dive into python 3 chapter 9&10
This chapter deals with unit testing, which is more like a philosophy of python rather than a certain part of grammar. It’s part of the so-called TDD, test-driven development.
It certainly needs multiple practices to put it right, so I may just record some example here.
unit-testing for a roman-integer conversion utility
The thing is, you create class with one or more tests as methods (those methods are required to start with test
as a key word), and all the class have to be the subclass of unittest.TestCase
, then using assert methods that’s provided by TestCase
, you can make out whether the tests you’re running pass or fail (which is different from error!)
after import unittest
, first using ‘good’ input to test whether it can work
class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):
known_values = ((1, 'I'),
... ...
(3940, 'MMMCMXL'),
(3999, 'MMMCMXCIX'))
def test_to_roman_known_values(self):
'''to_roman should give known result with known input'''
for integer, numeral in self.known_values:
result = roman2.to_roman(integer)
self.assertEqual(numeral, result)
def test_from_roman_known_values(self):
'''from_roman should give known result with known input'''
for integer, numeral in self.known_values:
result = roman2.from_roman(numeral)
self.assertEqual(integer, result)
is one of the provided method to verify the result is identical to what we expect.
But also we have bad input from nearly every corner, to test if the program could handle those invalid input and raise error, we use assertRaises
, take to_roman as an example:
class to_roman_bad_input (unittest.TestCase):
def test_too_large(self):
'''to_roman should raise exception with large input'''
def test_too_small(self):
'''to_roman should raise exception with input smaller than 1'''
def test_non_integer(self):
'''to_roman should fail with non-integer input'''
self.assertRaises(roman2.NotIntegerError, roman2.to_roman, 0.5)
Of course, the program needs to have this kind of error at first place to pass the unittest, and here we need to know more about error and exception.
first define the error you wish to raise, let it inherit from the built-in ValueError:
class OutOfRangeError(ValueError):
than we add some if
or if not
sentence to raise this error with readable message
if not (0 < n < 4000):
raise OutOfRangeError("the number must be 1...3999\n"
"get {} instead".format(n))
And besides test above, we may have ‘roundtrip’ to test once more to verify the correctness.
class RoundtripCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def test_roundtrip(self):
'''from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n'''
for integer in range(1, 4000):
numeral = roman2.to_roman(integer)
result = roman2.from_roman(numeral)
self.assertEqual(integer, result)
And when we have the following code
if __name__ == '__main__':
…and run it, we can now get if the code pass or fail, with ease.
Ran 9 tests in 0.052s
For more, go to https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html
This chapter is generally about testing and refactoring (i.e. how to enhance your code to make it better).
The procedures we now have are that you have your test cases first, and the codes are always behind, so you have to fix. Once your code catches uo to the test cases, you stop coding.
The best thing about unit testing is that it gives you the freedom to refactor mercilessly.
Yor always have your complete set of unit tests, so you can change your code completely yet the unit tests will stay the same. So that you can always prove that your new code works just as well as the original ones.
In the example above, you can boldly refactor your code with a totally different method - like, building a map for these 4000 pairs.
to_roman_table = [None]
from_roman_table = {}
def build_lookup_tables():
def to_roman(n):
result = ''
for numeral, integer in roman_numeral_map:
if n >= integer:
result = numeral
n -= integer
if n > 0:
result += to_roman_table[n]
return result
for integer in range(1, 4000):
roman_numeral = to_roman(integer)
from_roman_table[roman_numeral] = integer
the code above uses a clever bit of programming, you defines a function in the local scope of build_lookup_tables
function, and as I see it, recursively get a table of numeral-integer pairs
then the original to_roman
and from_roman
function only needs to find the corresponding values, and deal with those exceptions now!
def to_roman(n):
'''convert integer to Roman numeral'''
if not (0 < n < 4000):
raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 1..3999)')
if int(n) != n:
raise NotIntegerError('non-integers can not be converted')
return to_roman_table[n]
And every time you use to_roman
and from_roman
, you will need those two tables, so remember to add a calling sentence of build_lookup_tables()
see source code of unit_testing and Roman Numeral utility example1 and example2
The author of Dive Into Python3 offers his valuable insights:
Unit testing is not a replacement for other forms of testing, including functional testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. But it is feasible, and it does work, and once you’ve seen it work, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.
And there seem to be some universal lessons about unit testing, for a vast range of programming languages you might use
- Designing test cases that are specific, automated, and independent
- Writing test cases before the code they are testing
- Writing tests that test good input and check for proper results
- Writing tests that test bad input and check for proper failure responses
- Writing and updating test cases to reflect new requirements
- Refactoring mercilessly to improve performance, scalability, readability, maintainability, or whatever other -ility you’re lacking