Dive into python 3 chapter 8

Advanced iterators

The problem we’re trying to solve is called alphametics, to put it simple, it requires you to find the matching digits for letters in an equations, so that the matching numbers ‘spell’ an arithmetic equation. For example, the following problem:


has its answer:

510199 + 98153 + 9301 + 3593 == 621246

One more thing to notice is that the first letter of each word cannot match digit 0.
To find a simple solution to this problem, we shall take it step-by-step, with some extra stuff about python.

solution: step-by-step

words = re.findall('[A-Z]+', puzzle.upper())
unique_characters = set(''.join(words))
assert len(unique_characters) <= 10, 'Too many letters'

first use the re module to find all of the letters appeared in the equation, using join() in string method, and put them in a set to get a list of unique_characters (i.e. different letters). Assert here equals to

if len(unique_characters) > 10:
    raise AssertionError('Too many letters')

before we go on the next parts, we shall review generators and hopefully have some deeper understanding. As David Beazley puts it

A generator function is mainly a more convenient way of writing an iterator. You don’t have to worry about the iterator protocol (.next, .__iter__, etc.).
It just works.

Generators have two types generator expressions and functions. Just taking about expressions this time:
• General syntax

(expression for i in s if condition)

• What it means

for i in s:
    if condition:
        yield expression

then we get an object that generates values (which are typically consumed in a for loop).
And we can pass the generator expression to tuple(), list() or set (no need for extra parenthese!)

>>>unique_characters = {'E', 'D', 'M', 'O', 'N', 'S', 'R', 'Y'}
>>> tuple(ord(c) for c in unique_characters)
(69, 68, 77, 79, 78, 83, 82, 89)

Besides its simplicity1, what’s good about using a generator?
Using a generator expression instead of a list comprehension can save both C P U and R A M .
Next, let’s take a look at the itertools module, it provides a variety of fun stuff, such as permutations(), combinations and product() (returns iterator containing Cartesian product of two sequences)

>>> import itertools
>>> list(itertools.permutations('ABC', 3))
[('A', 'B', 'C'), ('A', 'C', 'B'),
 ('B', 'A', 'C'), ('B', 'C', 'A'),
 ('C', 'A', 'B'), ('C', 'B', 'A')]

And there’is groupby() to take a sequence and a key function to return an iterator that generates pairs. (but first you need to sort the input sequence by the grouping function)
Also, we have chain() to return an iterator that contains all the item from the given iterators, also the zip() one to return an iterator of the tuples of items of each two iterators.

>>> characters = ('S', 'M', 'E', 'D', 'O', 'N', 'R', 'Y')
>>> guess = ('1', '2', '0', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7')
>>> dict(zip(characters, guess))
{'E': '0', 'D': '3', 'M': '2', 'O': '4',
 'N': '5', 'S': '1', 'R': '6', 'Y': '7'}

We need help from a string method calls translate() as well, example is as follows:

>>> translation_table = {ord('A'): ord('O')}
>>> translation_table
{65: 79}
>>> 'MARK'.translate(translation_table)

Simply speaking, you creat a translation_table first, which is a dictionary maps one byte to another, then you translate and get a new string using that table.
Finally, what we need is eval(), which evaluates the value of the content of a string, interesting enough, the author stress again and again the potential danger of using eval(), like using code

>>> eval("__import__('subprocess').getoutput('rm  -rf ~)")

even if you add extra two arguments explicitly set the global and local namespaces, you might also face other kind of great risk, like:>>> eval("2 ** 2147483647",{"__builtins__":None}, {})
So as I now understands, there is no such thing named Absolute Safety.

Besides that, we shall go on with our alphametics problem. for each of the possible permutations, we use eval() mentioned above to test if it fits what we want:

for guess in itertools.permutations(digits, len(characters)):
    if zero not in guess[:n]:
        equation = puzzle.translate(dict(zip(characters, guess)))
        if eval(equation):
            return equation

Just like what is examplified above, we use dict(zip()) to create a translation_table, if guess of each first letter is not ‘0’. To achieve this, a little trick is used, we give a forming pattern of the characters so that the first letters always locate at the start of the characters string.

first_letters = {word[0] for word in words}
    n = len(first_letters)
    sorted_characters = ''.join(first_letters) + \
    ''.join(unique_characters - first_letters)

and the two sequence is built with following code:

characters = tuple(ord(c) for c in sorted_characters)
digits = tuple(ord(c) for c in '0123456789')

so the zero mentioned above is actually digits[0]

raw code available here

  1. Using a generator function will be a bit more complex, but acts out the same

    def ord_map(a_string):
      for c in a_string:
      yield ord(c)    
    gen = ord_map(unique_characters)